Friday, December 13, 2013

Movie Review (Kathlyn Caballero)

Jason and the Argonauts

          This movie is very astonishing to watch for it is a kind of movie that will make your eyes fascinated to the scenes and the effects. I recommend everyone to watch this kind of movie. It will teach you lessons and will inspire you to have more courage in every goal you want to achieve.

          This movie explains how Jason, the main character, and the Argonauts struggle to get the golden fleece. It also explain why did they have to get that and how is it possible for a young man to survive in that kind of quest. The story starts on the palace where Jason lives and the soldiers of Pelias attack the family of Jason. When he grew up, he strive to see his mother. He take the risk of getting the golden fleece for his birth right. Jason create a group, known as the Argonauts, to help him on his quest. Luckily, Jason and his group, finished all of the quests and bring the fleece to Pelias. This movie will teach us to strive for what we want and do all that we can to have it. It also teach us to love and trust our parents and our friends and do what we can to save and take care of them.

          The actors in the scenes are really good. The makers of this film used real humans for the characters of the movie will become more realistic and be portray well. Jason London is very good looking and fit to the character of Jason. He acts well and even delivering his lines. It's good that the makers used Brian Thompson as Hercules because as the people know, he have muscles and when you look at him, you will not be shock if he push the boat back to the water all by himself. All of the cast are good and really did well at this film.

          When they cut scenes, they make sure that every actor will be seen and they cut it chronologically. At the first scenes, they used war to be more suspense and for the audience's attention to be catch. And they make sure that the scenes are understandable and make a good look for the audience.

          They use loud music for the audience to be more focus like at the first scene of the movie. They used sound effects of crowd people, running people, very loud music so that everyone will enjoy the scene and will the eagerness to finish the movie. They are very detail at the sound effects like when Phrixus eat the leaf, the makers used sound effects of a man eating so that the scene will be more realistic. They also make sure that the music they will use is fit to the scenes and make a suspense feeling for the audience.

          They always put light on top of the actors when it's dark so that the viewers will know what they're doing behind the darkness. Sometimes, I don't like the background of some scenes because it's obvious that the background is animated and not real. Sometimes, they shake the camera when it's war to be more realistic and the viewer's attention will focus more on the scenes.

"Jason and The Argonauts"

Mark Erickson B. Adajar

               This movie will teach the viewers to be determined and persevered to reach out their goals even though they need to face so many challenges and trials. I recommend this movie because it inspired us to accept and face the hardest trials in our life that will test our faith. Like Jason, the main character in the movie, he accept the challenge of returning the golden Fleece to the king  in exchange for his mother. Everyone who tried to retrieve the Golden Fleece did not succeed and was not able to come back. Jason who's eager to finish his journey and inspired enough to save his mother from the cruel king gathered his finest men whom was called the Argonauts. Jason and The Argonauts performed an act of heroism and sacrifices in order for them to successfully finish their journey. The effects are awesome but there are parts where it needs some improvements. The characters who portrayed their role did their job very well.

               One of the themes if this story is heroism. Jason tend to share bravery, strength, wise thinking, and noble morality. He proved a certain degree of cleverness when they lost their map that will lead them to the golden fleece. He let the one who has gifted eyes which can see stars during daylight seek for the constellation that will serve as their new map. Jason proved his braveness and strength when he defeated the harpies, the bull, and a lot of other enemies he encountered. Also another theme is sacrifice. A lot of Argonauts sacrificed their own life for the others to continue the journey. Hercules who sacrificed his own life to let Jason and others go back to the boat because they were being chased by a lot of soldiers and cavalries who will kill them.

               The casting is good. they performed their role very well. When Jason first appeared in his adult stage he looks puny and it seems like he don't know anything about fighting. It's hard to imagine that he passed all the trials and challenges specially beating up the dragon guarding the Golden Fleece. Hercules whose physical appearance is very well for his role. When I first saw him, I've got an idea that he's Hercules. He proved it by pushing the boat on the water all by himself. That's the time I clearly made up in my mind that he's Hercules. Another one is Medea who looks mysterious in her make up and outfit. She seems to be powerful in the way she looks. Her eyes shows anger and her aura is something bad.

               There is a part in the story where the effects is cool for me. The part where Zeus and Hera will appear at the blue clouds is pretty cool. I also like the part where Zeus gets mad and lightning strikes from heaven. The transition of scenes is good. the viewers can easily understand the flow of the story. There is one thing that I've notice, there are parts where the transition of scenes is bad because it just gets dark like it has a commercial or something. For me it's not good because the excitement for the scenes gets low.

               The lightning sounds when Zeus gets mad is pretty awesome. The storm that ravage their boat while on journey is like a real one. I also like the sound made by the crowd when there's a battle happening. The splashing of swords, the sound effect when they stab their enemies was cool. The sounds produce when something bad is approaching or something exciting is coming was really good. It provides an idea for the viewers to have a background on what might happen next.

               The scene where Medea first appeared is quite mysterious. Only half of her face is being touched by the light and the other half is hidden in the dark. that provides a mysterious character. There are parts of the movie where the effects didn't satisfy me. Our generation is now advance so we expect real-like effects. The features of the bull, harpies, and the dragon guarding the fleece is not that good for me. we have seen movies where the monsters are like real so we expect more likely to it. They need to improve it and make it more realistic for awesomeness experience.


Saturday, October 12, 2013

CE Chapter 10 Reflection (substitute of Retreat Reflection) (Louise Escobar)


Long before Jesus ever died on a cross, He made a tremendous sacrifice for you.  Most have heard how Jesus died on a cross and how His death pays the penalty for our sins, but did you know that long before He breathed the last breath before His death, He gave up who He was for you and me?
John 1 tells us that “in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God… and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (verses 1, 14).  The Word who was with God and who was God is the One we know as Jesus the Christ.  He is the One who made all things and nothing was made without Him (John 1:3).  He is the One who created all things “that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible” (Colossians 1:16).  He is the One who is before all things and who makes all things consist (Colossians 1:17).
The life of Jesus started well before He was known as the man Jesus on the earth.  He was the One who spoke to Moses in the burning bush and said, “I AM that I AM”.  He declared Himself as this same I AM when He said, “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM” (John 8:58).  I Corinthians 10 tells us that the Spiritual Rock that followed the Israelites in the desert when they wandered was the same Christ (I Corinthians 10:1-4).
Long before Jesus died He made a great sacrifice for us; He gave up who He was as God with all His power and might.  Philippians 2:5-8 tell us,

In chapter 10, it's about the sufferings and the sacrifices of Jesus Christ our Lord. It tells us to follow the Lord our God and to carry our own crosses. To follow and love God for all that He has done for us; to listen to Him even facing all the trials that life is giving. Jesus died on the cross to redeem us from our sins Through His sacrifice, He reconciled humanity with God. It's the way of the cross to give us the lesson that God sacrificed and gave His life for us. That through HIs sacrifice on the cross, Jesus showed His love for humanity. By all the sufferings and death on the cross, He redeemed us from the slavery of sin and opened the gates of eternal life. one way that we can share the sufferings of Jesus Christ is by giving submitting ourselves unto Him whole heartedly. Our God is our God. He is our moghty Savior, Lord, and Son of our Creator. We should love Him in all ways that we can. LOVE GOD.  <3

Jesus loves you so much that He was willing to give up all His power and reputation as God to come in the form of a servant and to be clothed with flesh as a man, just like you and me.  He made himself like a part of His own creation.  He humbled himself to become like us for the purpose of giving us eternal life.  He gave up His eternal life so that we could have it.  He gave up being with God so that we could live with God forever.
Imagine that the Word, now God in the flesh, Emanuel, Jesus, was for the first time in his life separated from the Father by flesh.  He was no longer in the Spirit dwelling with God the Father, but He was on earth where He had to eat and sleep, where He felt pain and got tired, where he could be injured and die.  Jesus made a tremendous sacrifice to simply become a man.
It was in this part of His great sacrifice that Jesus was made perfect or complete, being identified with the sufferings of mankind (Hebrews 2:9-18; 4:14-16).  He is now able to minister on our behalf in Heaven with understanding and compassion because He lived in the flesh as a man and was tempted by sins as a man is.  Jesus made Himself like us so that He could better serve us.

Revelation 14:7 - Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.

CE Life Verse (Louise Escobar)


I think Luke 7:12 tells a lot about how we should love our neighbor. 
“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.”
We should treat others as we would like to be treated but that treatment should be informed by the Law and Prophets. Some people engage in self-destructive behaviors. If someone is a drug addict, giving them the next fix is not an act of love. We need to do the right thing for our neighbor and that is not necessarily the nice thing.

What I get out of the verses is that we are to act as the Good Samaritan acted, which means as we walk the path Christ leads us down in our lives,  as we live our lives, we are to stop when we see people hurting, and reach out and help them, however we can. I think this ties into the verse, as we do unto the least, we do unto Him, Christ. The focus is more on those hurting, and we see how Christ in His life practiced this, He could not turn away, when He saw people hurting, He had to reach out and help them. And there is something I found myself recently thinking about, when He was doing this, it was before his sacrifice on the cross, it was when He was preaching the message to his people, the Jews.  Even then, He could not walk by a human being hurting and not stop and help them, many of them outcasts, outsiders, Gentiles. But I have to remember, He created each one of us, He loves each one of us. When we hurt, He hurts. He cannot look away. His love compels Him to gaze upon our pain. Can you imagine feeling the pain of the world, seeing all the hurting we do to each other, all of the time, not being able to look away from it?

LUKE 10: 27 is all about love. Loving God and loving our neighbors as how we love ourselves. 
That's my life verse simply because its generally what people needs. With love we can create love, modesty, and grace. Love is the most important thing in life; love makes everything else seem less important. As the saying goes, 'Love conquers all'. What does it mean?Does love really conquer all?
A beautiful thing to believe.  Its  a phrase that means love is capable of overcoming all obstacles such as fear or any other contradicting emotion. Here's a link on a  wonderful example of how love conquered all in a life of a person whose having a serious  decision in her life that takes love, true love to be done.

Going back to LOVE. We can make a difference with love. Love is the beginning of everything. And love is God. Loving other people as you love yourself can create peace will make a domino effect . And through this, evil; anger; hatred: and all that is negative  will detoriate and can make our place a better world to live in. 

John 3:16 is a great verse that shows how God gave His Son to save us. An example in my life how he showed that to me is wonderful and treasurable. He shows that to me EVRERYDAY. He never failed to amuse me. He protects and guides me everyday. He blesses me even through my rough times. He forgives me even through the most stupid sins I do.... He is God. Our Almight Father. A lot of trials passed through my life. Family, social, financial, behaviour, and all the problems that a girl like me could get, but what God did is that He never let me down. He had faith in me. He helped me and answered my prayers. He was there when nobody else was. He gave his arms even to the point were everything is doing wrong. He's my bestfriend, all time brother and at the  same time  Father. HE IS GOD. <3

CE My Worship Experience (Mark Adajar)

Our Church (Christ the King Parish)
          God is our creator. He is the most supreme being the exists. He loves us unconditionally. He takes care of us in everyday of our lives. In return, we should worship and glorify him with all our hearts. Worship is our response to God for who he is and what he has done, expressed in and by the things we  say and the way we live. The purpose of our worship is to glorify, praise, and please god. Our worship must show adoration and loyalty to God for his grace in providing us with the way to escape the sins we have done, so we can have the salvation he so wants to give us. Our worship demands the surrender of our souls before him in humble and contrite submission.

"Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he will lift you up."

"Be humble because until the sun with all its grandeur, let the moon shines."

Always keep your feet on the ground. A person can achieve everything by being simple and humble. Be humble when you are victorious because God does things to make you humble, other things to keep you humble and yet others to make sure you're still humble. 

          Last Sunday I went to church.The teaching is all about being humble. our preacher is telling us that whatever life gives you, even of it hurts, just be strong and faithful to God. Strong walls shake, but never collapse. What ever happens, all you need to do is to stand strong like what trees do. the roots are holding tightly on the soil. It means that we should hold onto the Lord tightly like what the root of the trees do. It's the only way to keep ourselves strongly standing whatever problems would come.

"Even the strongest wind blows, just remain standing while holding onto God's promises."

CE My Worship Experience (Louise Escobar)


My worship experience? Well...I based all this from my experience last Sunday as I went to church at Christ The King Parish. I listened to the Gospel and observed each and every procedure during the so called 'worship' or others might call it, devotion.

 Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth.  Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.  Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.  Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.  For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. (PSALM 100:1-5)

A lot of people usually asks if going to Church and praying at home has the same worth or value; has the same impact or sense. Well, if you ask me, I'd say that praying is a great way of talking to God or communicating Him. It's about the sincerity and purity of our hearts while praying and confessing unto Him. Prayer is good, as long as you do it right. But does it have the same value from going to church?

Practically speaking, no it does not have the same value. Being inside the church has a different aura from just being inside our homes.It's about visiting God and giving time for Him. To make it simple, imagine you talking or texting with someone over the phone and you visiting them personally. See the difference? Its that simple. It's a way of showing God that we give ourselves unto Him.  A little sacrifice and God appreciates that more than enough. And to add on it, worshipping the Lord our God comes in different aspects. It starts with  the heart,with the sincerity of the heart, the aura and setting, and most importantly, the contents of the prayer itself. <3

When I went to  church last Sunday, I listened to the mass. Iprayed first when I came in. I was late for a few minutes. But, I still got the chance to listen in the priest's Homily. The priest's sermons and Gospels are very authentic and holy. I consistently prayed silently. I worshipped God in the form of singing, clapping, praying and praising. I kneeled and prayed which is done three times every mass service.We had the communion which is a form or receiving God, His holy which is represnted by the bread and the wine which represents His blood. Few announcements was stated and the mass ended with a smile on our faces and a clap as well. 

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.