Saturday, October 12, 2013

CE Life Verse (Louise Escobar)


I think Luke 7:12 tells a lot about how we should love our neighbor. 
“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.”
We should treat others as we would like to be treated but that treatment should be informed by the Law and Prophets. Some people engage in self-destructive behaviors. If someone is a drug addict, giving them the next fix is not an act of love. We need to do the right thing for our neighbor and that is not necessarily the nice thing.

What I get out of the verses is that we are to act as the Good Samaritan acted, which means as we walk the path Christ leads us down in our lives,  as we live our lives, we are to stop when we see people hurting, and reach out and help them, however we can. I think this ties into the verse, as we do unto the least, we do unto Him, Christ. The focus is more on those hurting, and we see how Christ in His life practiced this, He could not turn away, when He saw people hurting, He had to reach out and help them. And there is something I found myself recently thinking about, when He was doing this, it was before his sacrifice on the cross, it was when He was preaching the message to his people, the Jews.  Even then, He could not walk by a human being hurting and not stop and help them, many of them outcasts, outsiders, Gentiles. But I have to remember, He created each one of us, He loves each one of us. When we hurt, He hurts. He cannot look away. His love compels Him to gaze upon our pain. Can you imagine feeling the pain of the world, seeing all the hurting we do to each other, all of the time, not being able to look away from it?

LUKE 10: 27 is all about love. Loving God and loving our neighbors as how we love ourselves. 
That's my life verse simply because its generally what people needs. With love we can create love, modesty, and grace. Love is the most important thing in life; love makes everything else seem less important. As the saying goes, 'Love conquers all'. What does it mean?Does love really conquer all?
A beautiful thing to believe.  Its  a phrase that means love is capable of overcoming all obstacles such as fear or any other contradicting emotion. Here's a link on a  wonderful example of how love conquered all in a life of a person whose having a serious  decision in her life that takes love, true love to be done.

Going back to LOVE. We can make a difference with love. Love is the beginning of everything. And love is God. Loving other people as you love yourself can create peace will make a domino effect . And through this, evil; anger; hatred: and all that is negative  will detoriate and can make our place a better world to live in. 

John 3:16 is a great verse that shows how God gave His Son to save us. An example in my life how he showed that to me is wonderful and treasurable. He shows that to me EVRERYDAY. He never failed to amuse me. He protects and guides me everyday. He blesses me even through my rough times. He forgives me even through the most stupid sins I do.... He is God. Our Almight Father. A lot of trials passed through my life. Family, social, financial, behaviour, and all the problems that a girl like me could get, but what God did is that He never let me down. He had faith in me. He helped me and answered my prayers. He was there when nobody else was. He gave his arms even to the point were everything is doing wrong. He's my bestfriend, all time brother and at the  same time  Father. HE IS GOD. <3

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