Saturday, October 12, 2013

CE Life Verse (Mark Adajar)

Philippians 4:13

Our existence today is the best gift of God for us. He gave us the chance to experience everything, and that`s his best gift. God only gave us one life here on Earth so we should not waste it. Enjoy life to the fullest and never let problems be the reason for us to hate this life or even worst, end this life.

All of us undergo different problems, some are strong enough to overcome those problems but some don`t have the faithful spirit to cope with it. There is no one in the world who is problem free.

My life verse is Philippians 4:13,

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

This verse gives me strong faith that I can do anything because God is always by my side. I know that even the hardest problem has a solution. Sometimes we just need to think deeply to know the answer. Sometimes we need to sacrifice for the good of everyone.

I hold onto this life verse especially when I want to achieve something. In studying, I always tell myself that I can do it. No matter what or no how. I will give my best and I know that God will do the rest. It`s just like in playing basketball. The moment you quit and totally lose hope is the moment you lose the game. In order to win a game, just remain in the game. 

We should never give up because we only live once. As long as we`re breathing, life must go on. Hope is what keeps us going. Our hope keeps us strong and helps us motivate towards our goal. So never give up your hope no matter how hard the situations is right now.

"What ever happens, be still. never give up because God has his own purpose for everything."

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