Saturday, October 12, 2013

CE My Worship Experience (Kathlyn Caballero)

Our Church
                  There are so many religion a man can be with. There are so many ways a man can worship God. I am a human who's loving God. I am a human who's worshiping Him. I Thank God for the blessings; I thank God for protecting me, I thank God for everything when I worship Him.

Hymn Book
                I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Since I was a child, I belong to it. I worship God there and I enjoy my christian life there. As I observe our ways in worshiping God, first, there was a conducting speaker that will introduce and give information to the flow of the service. After, we will sing an opening hymn to invite the spirit within us. We use our own hymn book for us to see the lyrics in a easier way. We sing in a solemn way with accompany of the piano and sing with a peace on our heart. After, a person will pray so must bow down our head and close our eyes. After that, we will sing a sacrament hymn to invite the spirit when we do our sacrament and while we're singing, the priesthood will prepare the sacrament. The sacrament is where we take the bread to remember the body of thy son Jesus Christ and water to remember his blood, to remember Him, and keep his commandments. After we take our sacrament, a speaker will talk about a specific topic that can inspire us to do good things. Through this, we can learn about something that can help us to renew ourselves. This is where the speaker will share his/her testimony and what he/she believes. Afterwards, we will sing a hymn and will continue to the other speaker. After, we will sing again and pray. Then we will go to our Sunday school.
The Sacrament

                After I go to church, I feel the spirit within me. I feel that I'm renewed. I feel that I want to share my testimonies to others, I feel the goodness of God. I can feel his love. Through it, I enjoyed worshiping God and maybe, I will enjoy it for the rest of my life for I know it's true and I will be blessed if I continuously seek Him and trust Him.

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