Saturday, October 12, 2013

CE Life Verse (Kathlyn Caballero)

              I undergo trials; I commit mistakes; I feel pain and as a live, I will continuously engage to it because I am a child of God. I believe that God only give trials for us to learn and to know the true purpose in life. God said,

       "Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him (James 1:12)."

It means that we will be blessed if we endure under trials and if we always seek his guidance. For the purpose of trials is not just to test our faith. It is also for us to draw closer to God. For God knows that if we have problems, challenges, and trials we will come closer to him, seek after him, and pay attention to him. But it is also depend on the person whether they look to it negatively. God wants us to become faithful to him. God gives trials and he knows that we can accomplish it. Remember that God know our capacity to take trials. It is up to us on how we can handle it. God gives us holy spirit to guide us and put us in the right way. All we have to do is live with it, listen, walk with it.

               Sometimes, I feel so blessed when I have challenges in life because I know he only wants me to exercise my faith to him and because of my trials, I can changes. I will grow spiritually and realize that he blesses me everyday.

               I love God, I know that he also loves me. He gave me trials that I might see the goodness in Him. He wants me to love other people as he loves me. I will try my best to become worthy daughter of Him and I'll accept any trials for I know I will be blessed and will try my best to endure to the end. But don't forget, in everything we do, seek first the kingdom of God. 

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